How are Udemy courses?

I’ve been thinking of getting started on Udemy with a course or two, no subject yet in mind ( web developement related tho ), and there are so many to choose from. So, I’ve been wondering, does anyone have any experience with Udemy courses and would like to recommend a course they’ve taken?

Kind regards.


i took many courses from udemy but the most about game development (unity, blender, game physics and so on).

At this point i want to give you some tipps.
First of all you REALLY should watch the introduction videos before taking a course. I must made the experience that many many courses made from non native english speakers. I am also a non native english speaker but the problem is if the teacher has a very bad accent and can’t speak good english it is very hard to understand. You should also look at the feedback from the users. If they say that the teacher is hard to understand then you should be careful. English native speaker has no problem and be very considerate with grammar or vocabulary mistakes and if they say a person is hard to understand and has a bad accent you should believe them :).

Second important thing. Before you pay for a course look at google for discounts. Udemy courses are very expensive but they have many coupon codes and other discount opinions. If you are too fast with taking a course it can happen that you pay 200$ for a course but with the right coupon code you can get it for 10$.
Here are two sites which are helpful to find the best discounts:

Site one

Site two

You should not use only one site, you find more coupons on two ore more sites or of course with google.

To the courses:
The advantage of taking a course there is you get a certificate that you took this course (if you finished it). I also think they have a good quality. There are also bad courses as i said but i am sure you find the right one. Especially for beginners there are many courses for free and some are theoretical and some with projects in it (i find them more helpful).

I know Udemy for a long time but never used it because for experts in a topic it is hard to find a helpful course but for beginners and for people who want to learn something new or want to refresh their knowledge (like me in game development) they find the right one for sure.

As i said, use google for discounts, look at the rates and the feedback, use the filter for price, language etc., use a keyword like “PHP” or “JAVA” or “Javascript project” and you will find the right course :slight_smile:
Ask if you have more questions. I hope this helps a little bit.


Udemy is ok. I know you’ve heard of tree house, right? If you have the 25 bucks a month I STRONGLY recommend their front end development track. I cannot say enough about that site. I didn’t really start to understand any of this stuff until I started with treehouse. Its the best content on the web for beginners hands down.

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Coursera, edX and Udacity are a lot better. Treehouse is decent too. So check those out before you bother with Udemy.

Thanks alot for all the suggestions. Thing is, I’m not strictly a beginner so Treehouse is more or less out of the question, because it’s too beginner oriented as far as I’ve heard from other people as well (not sure if this is true tho).

I’ll definitely check out Udacity ( didn’t know you can take the nanodegree course content for free if you do the content seperately ) and Coursera.

The reason I thought Udemy was interesting is because they have such a variety of topics and you can easily find a course that talks about a certain framework/technology that you are interested in, though quality is most likely questionable for some of the courses.

I’ll poke around there a bit I suppose, or try I course if I find any decent coupons. Will also check udacity and such :slight_smile:

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Ok cool if youre passed the beginner stages, then I would suggest pluralsight. I hear its the best. I actually signed up for their free trial a while back and it seemed really awesome. It was too advanced for me at the time, though. Still is lol. I believe its $25 a month as well :wink:

For my experience Udemy courses are pretty good (well, in general :stuck_out_tongue: ). Right now I’m taking some courses and they seem to be effective. If you have the basics and want to do some more project (with the guidance of an instructor) it’s ideal. In general I look for Udemy courses when I want to practice or do some cool stuff.

I enrolled in many courses. I even don’t remember most of them.
I enrolled in Udemy,Udacity,Codecademy and more.
I stopped enrolling and searching for courses right after I found FreeCodeCamp. I learned x4 the programming stuff in those courses and I improved my programming skills greatly after those. And I am only 3 missions away from finishing the advanced algorithms.
I could talk about it for hours and write an article about my experience, so if I need to sum up my experience in one sentence-
The difference between Udemy and FCC is that in Udemy u usually see other people code and in FCC u code by yourself.
Before I enrolled in FCC my web development skills were beginner to intermediate although I thought that after so many courses I am able to do almost everything.
After I finish FCC certificate I am sure I will be able to do everything.

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i wrote only about Udemy because i thought you are most interested in courses from there. And i didn’t know that you are not a beginner.

I believe you know the many other sites out there where you can take free courses. And if not google find them and of course they appear the most time at class-central where thousends of courses from those sites are registered.

I think the discussion which site is the best for learning is useless like the question which programming language is the best. Every Site where you can learn something is good.
The question is more which site of all these is the best in your current situation where you want to learn something special.

If you want many courses for advanced developers use other sites not udemy (read the other answers or search on class-central). As i said udemy is not good for advanced people. Only if you are interested in a special framework or tool or special topic which is not covered on other sites. And then you have the opportunity to use youtube as an alternative to udemy.

I’m not a fan of Udemy at all and mostly said my piece about it here:

Additionally, Udemy as a whole caters to beginners the most, which you said you’re not, so I’d advise against it for you even more. That said, if there are any courses you want to take on Udemy, I’d highly recommend waiting until they do a $10 sale, because those sales come around every so often.

Speaking from my own experience with the major MOOC platforms, for someone looking for more “intermediate” to “advanced” content, I’d recommend primarily Lynda, Udacity, edX, and SitePoint. Coursera has good courses too, but the majority of them are only beginner to intermediate, and lack comprehensiveness (Princeton’s Algorithms course is a notable exception though).

Lynda is really good for getting grounded at an intermediate level, and I highly recommend their Become a Front End Web Developer learning path (which is a set of multiple individual courses). Lynda’s not free for most people, but it does offer free memberships to educational and government institutions, so if you’re a student or federal employee, check with your organization. Some public libraries even qualify for the free membership, so that’s an avenue worth checking as well (I’m using Lynda through a local public library registration myself, so I can attest that it works!).

Udacity is better for more advanced material, and as someone else mentioned, you can actually take individual Nanodegree courses for free (without having to sign up for a full Nanodegree).

SitePoint, which isn’t often mentioned, is another good platform for advanced material. The first course I took on there was M. David Green’s “Introduction to JavaScript” which I highly recommend. It was the first course I took for JavaScript anywhere and was very helpful. SitePoint is on the expensive side but I can honestly recommend its content. If you don’t want to pay for SitePoint, I’d recommend at least taking advantage of their free trial to do that Introduction to JavaScript course. I found it to be simply excellent, and I was no beginner before taking that course either (I got a BS in computer science when I was in college).

I’ve tried CodeSchool as well, which is geared towards intermediate/advanced, but the gamification approach to their content was sort of a hassle.

And I know MOOCs in general are all the rage these days, but sometimes there’s no substitute for a good printed (or digital) book. Not only can a book ground you in a way that will beat any online course, but in some instances a book can also take a much faster time to go through than an online course.

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Indeed, I agree. Don’t worry, your previous post about udemy was great, every bit of info helps :slight_smile:

In my opinion Udemy courses are hit or miss. It just depends on what course you take and who the instructor is.

My personal favorites are - “Code your First Game, Arcade Classic in Javascript HTML Canvas” it’s free and only a few hours. It’s not the course to take if you want an in depth lesson on Javascript, but I had fun with it and it was helpful to see JS applied to creating a game.

I also really like “Javascript the Weird Parts”. This one cost money (around $15 I believe) but it he does a great job explaining difficult JS concepts such as callback functions, recursions, etc. If you plan on taking any technical JS interviews I would definitely recommend this video.

Also, if you’re paying for a lesson ALWAYS google “udemy promo codes” before purchasing. I believe they have gone down on their prices, but when I was active in it a few months ago I almost always found some sort of discount.

jrepe I have purchased 8 courses on udemy and all are total crap now , very basic and they don’t really get you any where … Best are books …

I purchased 2 JS , 2 Node, 1 MEAN stack , Boot strap etc …


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