Hi everybody!
I´m a new user of FreeCodeCamp and was trying to start my first HTML-CSS lesson.
I do understand the instructions of my first test but when it comes to start to code, it becomes impossible for me to tipe in some characters in the White field located in the middle of the page.
My question is thus following: Do we have to download an extra Software to be able to code before starting the tests on FreeCodeCamp?
Because each time I click on the field in which I´m supposed to code, it´s not working …
Thank you so much for your help guys!
I have a suspicion that your code display window might be taking up the width of the code editor.
If that’s the case, you need to drag that viewport to the side to see the code editor. That’s my guess. See GIF below to see what I’m talking about.
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Yeah I see what you mean rad_hombre!
But even when I drag the viewport nothing appears, it remains stuck next to the empty white field …
Hmmm, very strange. It’s also possible one of your Firefox extensions is causing an issue. Well, like @lubodrinka was thinking, I would try it in another browser like Chrome (or IE, if you already have that installed).
If you run into the same problem again on the 2nd browser, then we’ll know it’s at least not a browser-related issue, but something else.
That’s what I would do.
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I’m currently using Internet Explorer.
And I was told that it is not the perfect browser to use for coding on FreeCodeCamp …
So this evening when I’ll come back home I’ll download Chrome and see if it’s ok.
What do you think?
Cheers mate
Yeah exactly I’m doing the “Hello World” test.
I’ll download Chrome this evening and see if it works coz when I use your link, it’s still running on IE.
Thanks anyway for your help mate
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