Overall, I like it. It’s well organized and has a lot of information. I like that you have a healthy list of skills.
But it’s more helpful to list the things that I don’t like.
I always suggest against colored backgrounds - like the header. Some people still print resumes. It’s just a thought.
You have an inspirational quote in the header. You are using up a lot of space for something they’ll probably assume you googled. I don’t think you should have inspirational quotes in a resume. There is nothing in that quote that everyone would not say about themselves. It is therefore meaningless.
What should be there? What kind of a job are you looking for? Don’t make them guess. If you’re not going to have an “Objective” section or whatever, that might be a good place to convey that.
In Skills, you list MySQL twice. I also might dig for some more skills/libraries.
I almost wonder if you have too much information here. Or maybe with all your experience you need two pages. Normally people here only need one, but you may need two. But if you want to keep it to one, I’d tighten up this text and shorten it. At the very least, I probably need less info about being a desktop support analyst.
I think there is too much information in the education section. Most of those are just things we would assume you’d study. This list should be half as long, maybe less.
The certifications section is short - good.
Do you really need that many projects? I usually tell people to pick their 3 best. I think 5 is a lot. You have 9. I’d say to pick your 5 best. They can see the rest on your site. List the best one first.
In “Technologies used :” - In English, there is no space before the colon. Or just leave “Technologies use:” off of there - it is clear from context.
Maybe you don’t need two pages. If you tighten up the experience and education sections, cut down to 5 projects, and maybe tighten up the descriptions - you should have plenty of space. You could increase the font size (it seems small), add back some margins, and get some white space. And you could expand the skills section.
I don’t know, maybe I’m coming at this from an American perspective - we don’t do CVs, we do resumes, which tend to be shorter. If you want all this information, if this is what is common, then I would seriously consider putting it on two pages to let it “breathe” - it seems very cramped.
Just some thoughts…