How to troubleshoot Sign in issues on Curriculum and Setting pages

Currently you will notice that our app has two domains:

  1. Your portfolio and your settings pages are available at and respectively.
  2. The curriculum (learn) is available at

And sometimes you see issues like:

  • Getting kicked out of curriculum while still being signed in on the settings page.
  • Getting a different profile on curriculum and settings page, if you accidentally logged into a different email id of yours. etc.

We agree these are annoying and we have fixed these in our upcoming release. However, until then here is how you can troubleshoot them.

  • Make sure you always use your original method of sign in, i.e. the option that you first chose to use freeCodeCamp with.
  • If you are still stuck, here is how you can clear your cache for freeCodeCamp’s apps.



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