Hey there fellow campers,
So far I have been doing all my responsive design projects and javascript projects on codepen and repl.it respectively.
However, for my technical documentation project, I switched to the brackets editor as codepen was not working smoothly. I really enjoyed working on brackets especially the live preview button.
Currently, I have started my frontend library projects. I have decided to do "A random quote machine"using jquery and sass. The problem is "How to use sass/scss with brackets?".
From StackOverflow, I found this link which installs the following extension Brackets SASS. This method did not work out for me.
So I wanted to ask, is there any way I can use sass with brackets with ease? One general question, am I missing something while using brackets which other editors (VScode, Atom etc) provide. How is sass integration with these editors?
I would be thankful for any guidance as I myself have zero knowledge about this.