Hi @Sky020,
So when I copy and paste the solution link from “your code so far”. It doesn’t pass… I would like to get a pass… maybe you could create your own codepen.io for me to try and copy and paste your link to get better results…like a pass… oi.
You are submitting the wrong link. Be sure to submit the *Live App link. This is the link that looks similar to the placeholder in the submission input, and is the link you would use to view your app as a final product.
Out of curiosity, did you skip some of the curriculum sections?
@Sky020, I completed all the activities in the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification with the exception of completing the 5 projects.
I wanted to see what was provided in the Quality Assurance Certification curriculum but have ran into this issue… I noticed that knowing how to copy and paste a repl.it link is needed in other curriculums as well so hoping once I figure it out for this one I should be able to figure it out for any other sections requiring a repl.it link… thanks.