I didnt connect to FreeCodeCamp for a long time (2weeks) i’m in Basic CSS, i wanted to continuate today, i cant connect to the website but when i choose, basic CSS and the step where i am, the page open but all on white without anything
are you logged in with the same id you used the first time?
yes, i m, with my mail account, i can see my curriculum but when i click on it, the page load but nothing :’(
Are you using Chrome? Some browsers act weird with FCC site…
(Firefox and Chrome seem to be the most stable)
i’ll try Firefox and i’ll try in another laptop, i will tell you thank you so much
good luck! Hope it works out.
Hi again , i tried in firefox it does’nt work, but it works in my phone (chrome), i dont really know what’s happening in my Laptop
hmm. maybe download a brand new copy of chrome on the laptop?
I did and nothing changed it’s so weird, PS: im new in this camp, anyplace for a bonfire here?
actually there is! There’s a kind of instant messaging area for campers etc on various topics and you can talk directly to whoever is available. Here’s the link:
Thank you so much, i tried in another laptop and it works, maby because i still have windows xp
hmm, that is unlikely. my laptop (I’m on right now) has windows 10 and I use FCC on chrome there.