Not sure if any mods can help, I’ve completed all 6 certs and received a congrats email from team freecodecamp but no full stack cert has appeared or is available.
Is there a waiting period for review or something else?
I’ve been working on freecodecamp since Jan 17 , so its important as an achievement and for job interviews.
Anyone else have this issue, was is resolved.
Thanks in advance.
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As far as I know there is no 7th full stack certificate that gets issued after you claim the 6 certificates. All certificates are claimed on your settings page.
That would be unbelievably disappointing, I’ve always had that as my goal since I started to code with fcc 18 months ago, I owe a lot to fcc. Ive completed 2 legacy certs, rewrote projects to pass the new tests and finishedthe new certs. The full stack cert was always offered and in a post here on the forum about rolling out the new certs @QuincyLarson wrote that it would be awarded after all 6 certs were completed. I understand that its about what you’ve learned, but from someone who has no degrees etc… It would mean a huge amount.
Thanks for responding.
Thanks for your patience! Rest assured - there is a 7th Full Stack Developer Certification that you can claim once you’ve completed all 6 of the new developer certifications in the new curriculum.
I believe you’re the first person who’s completed all of these. We thought we would have a few more weeks to get around to implementing the Full Stack Developer Certificate, so we haven’t implemented that yet. Here’s the open issue to add it:
That’s great news, thanks so much for clearing that up and responding too. I’m glad its being kept on as its a great incentive to keep pushing forward, especially when things get hard.
Personally, I have a new found confidence due to working through fcc. Before fcc, I never thought that id be able to do something like programming but its true, anyone can learn to code. And surprise themselves!
I want to say thank you for what this course and community has done for me and many others too judging by other posts in the forum. I’m still not finished yet though, take home projects etc…
Thanks for the link to the issue, Ill have a look.