I have a confession...sometimes when I'm stuck, I'll copy the solution

This has been discussed millions of billions of times already.


If you are plagiarizing code, you can have your certificate(s) invalidated. I’m not sure if you’re ever formally banned (you’re never going to be banned from the forum just for seeking help), but you don’t want to be doing this for your projects or the required algorithms. It’s better to write something crappy that’s definitely yours than to copy a perfect solution from Stack Overflow.

It does get easier, but you have to put effort into it. Staring at the screen for a bit is not the same thing as working though the problem. Write things down if you have to. Draw pictures. If you’re copypasting before you write a single line of your own code, then you’re only cheating yourself and wasting your own time. This is especially true if you’re doing this just to advance to the next challenge since they get progressively more difficult and build on skills.

Go back to the challenges you’ve skipped and do them properly, not because you’re afraid you’ll get kicked out of FreeCodeCamp (you won’t), but because that’s how you learn.