I`m 35 years old and I`d like to start programming but I don`t know where to start

What a great advice! Congrats @leloaurel

I am 50 and I am learning programming too. I started earlier this year and it has been challenging but I love it. I did the responsive web design and now I am working through the JavaScript program here at freeCodeCamp. There are many resources online and the community is great.
Iā€™m a beginner, but I agree with others who said start with html and css.
Good luck!


You got a lot of great advice here, but I have some other thoughts. With an accounting background, you may be a great data scientist. Being good with numbers and lots of data is a terrific skill.

In that case, Iā€™m not sure that html and css are what you need. Moderators, please correct me if Iā€™m wrong. I went to a conference with the group She Loves Data and got to use Tableu (spelling?), a program for making visuals from data sets. There is a free version I think.

I guess research ā€˜data scientistā€™ and see what you think. It may be a better fit.

P.S. I have learned best here at freeCodeCamp. I had spent money on Udemy, but found learning by video difficult. I was even thinking of going to a coding boot camp, but that cost WAY more than my family could afford.

Iā€™m 52 and just coming back to programming. I taught high school and never actually used the programming I had learned in college. You can totally do this. Iā€™ve finished freeCodeCampā€™s Responsive Web Design and JavaScript certifications. I started in February I think, but I had done learning else where prior to coming here.

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I would agree that you donā€™t need HTML and CSS to be a data scientist, but you do need to make sure that your statistics are up to snuff if you want to get into data science. Python or Julia would be good languages for data science.


Thanks for the advise, I need to check

from your experience Which is better in job market ( Most required & financially reward) Web developer or data analysis and which is the easist to learn and how long it will take to be able to get job?

Kindly advise

I canā€™t speak to the compensation, but I would expect jobs to require a college degree for data analysis.

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How long it will take to be good on HTML & CS S then JS?
If i finish FCC certificate then I`ll be able to apply for jobs?

It all varies from person to person. It usually takes roughly 300 hours for a person to complete a FCC certificate, and some people have gotten jobs after completing multiple FCC certificates. It is hard to say what will happen specifically for you though.

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Hi Emad1

I am 34 and started a with HTML and CSS, i advice you take that route, l believe we are more or less on the same level and we can work together to be better programmers, reach out if you wish.

All the best.


Sure my friend we can work together , All the best for both of us