I’d recommend deleting the “Web Developer” subtitle below your name. It implies that you have experience, which you don’t.
Keep in mind that your resume will most often be reviewed by recruiters and HR staff, so leave out the tech speak. If you’re going to write project descriptions, they should be understandable to the average person and shouldn’t need to be read by another developer to be understood. Make them brief and concise.
To the above point, you don’t need to list all your projects. Just list the most impressive ones.
Using URL shorteners is fine, but on your resume, those can make it look like you’re trying to hide something. I thought it was a bit odd myself, so I went ahead and checked them all out, to see that you’re hosting your projects on CodePen. CodePen is fine while you’re first starting out, but you should be hosting front-end web projects, especially ones done for freeCodeCamp, on another site like Netlify, AWS S3, Vercel (formerly Zeit), or surge.sh, which all have free tiers. Your projects don’t line up with what’s typically posted on CodePen (have you checked out its homepage to see what most people post on there?), so you should host them where it makes sense to.
Unfortunately freeCodeCamp, edX, and Codecademy don’t belong under Education. You should only list accredited institutions in an Education section on a resume, and none of them are. Completing the CS50X course by Harvard is certainly an achievement, but it’s only one course and the online version of a Harvard course, and is on material that most CS students will take in their first semester as a freshman, so it’s not exactly that brag-worthy anyway. The best place to mention CS50X, freeCodeCamp, and Codecademy is on your LinkedIn profile.
Your Skills should probably be your first section instead of your last. Only list skills that you’re comfortable with and could answer a question about in an interview. Also “Command Line” is not a tool and is very generic wording. Either list something more specific like BASH if you know it well, or leave that out. Your skills could also stand to use version numbers for JavaScript (ES5? ES6? ES7? etc), Python (2 or 3?), and Bootstrap (3 or 4?). You also have projects that mention MySQL, Sass, and React which are missing from the Skills section?
I also reviewed the code for your React Calculator on CodePen and it’s written sloppily. In your CSS there’s inconsistent spacing and indentation, along with extra braces. In your JavaScript, you have a poorly-named “BandB” function (function names should be in camelCase, and you should use underscores to separate words or letters where appropriate), CSS properties that are set manually instead of via classes, and very inconsistent usage of semicolons. Also, I’m not super-familiar with React, but I’m not sure if it’s good practice to define variables outside of the App class. Seems like if you need to do that, you should define an external module and import that, as your code looks disorganized right now.
Your personal website has a lot of writing mistakes that should be corrected - typos, incorrect capitalization, etc. If you’re fluent in another language (whether speaking or writing), you can and should add that to your resume.
If you’re applying for jobs right now, I’d recommend moving your projects off CodePen asap, along with improving the code quality on your projects.
Also it’s not clear from your posted images, but your resume should be a PDF, and all links in it should be clickable.