I have been applying to multiple companies for a developer role but didn’t have any luck in getting an interview, let alone secure one.
I’d appreciate if you could take some time to go through my resume and tell me what I’m doing wrong, which lead me into this hopeless situation.
Here’s a link to my resume.
Appreciate your effort.
You would need to create a public link to your resumé to allow anyone to view it.
How can i do that @igorgetmeabrain?
Thanks. I managed to make it public.
Right click on the file on Google Drive which you want to share and select ‘Share’. Then click to change ‘Restricted’ to ‘Anyone with the link’. Then share the link with whoever you need to.
Appreciate for taking the time and effort to help me out.
No worries. I have no expertise to tell you how good your resumé is in terms of securing employment, as I’m only learning to code and I’m not a professional (yet).
However, I noticed one typo in one of your headers:
Markdown Previwer…
Also, I guess you might want to include links on your resumé to your portfolio, GitHub and other accounts?
Thanks, for the feedback.
In the previous version of my resume I had links to my projects and accounts. And that was the application I sent out to most of the companies, but I changed it a bit cause the previous version was too plain. Anyways, I’m gonna keep in mind to include what I’m missing in the new one and fix the typo as well.
Thanks @camperextraordinaire .
Will make the necessary improvements.
And is providing skills section seen as a red flag?
bro are u bengali? if its not a problem can u help me i saw in ur resume ur from commerce line and switching. Just wanna ask some question
Yes, I’m.
And I’m ready to lend a helping hand for anything that’s within my scope.
its just i learnt html and css but when it comes javascript i am failing horribly. i just cant to seem to get the logic behind it like i can understand what the answer is given but if u ask me a question on logic i cant answer. do u have any suggestion where i can practice or where did u get to learn javascript
To understand javascript better I had to go to Codecademy, that’s where I understood some of the things I was having difficulty with. And then I came back to FCC and finished the JS curriculum. And I think javascript makes more sense when we know why it exists in the first place, from there things start getting more interesting.
Coming to the logic part of it - basic understanding of fundamentals should you help you with that.
To summarize,
understand the programming fundamentals (how a programming language works).
understand and know where the language you’re learning can be used.
and can u tell me any book or where did u get the basic fundamentals
Didn’t read any books for that. I just used FCC, read articles, checked documentation and more importantly, practiced.
There are a couple things here which I’d call critical mistakes:
No one needs to know your date of birth, or should know that. That’s personally identifiable information that you shoud delete.
You wrote “A fullstack developer having 1.5 years of development experience” but there’s no actual experience shown on the resume. You can’t contradict yourself here, if you don’t have work experience then you can’t say you have experience.
Then some other points which aren’t “critical” but noticeable:
Your order of sections matters, and isn’t what it should be. Either your skills or projects should be first. I’d personally suggest Skills first, then Projects, then Education, then Languages. You don’t need an Interests section.
If you’re going to have a projects section, it should be much shorter with only high-level descriptions (and links to deployed versions). A bunch of bulleted list items on detailed technical info doesn’t do anything useful, especially when you’re just saying things like “Implemented user authentication using PassportJs” or “Encryption of user passwords using Bcrypt module”. First of all, you have to make your project descriptions high-level because most of the time it’s HR personnel or recruiters who are reading your resume, not other developers. And second, for anyone who does actually know what Passport.js and Bcrypt are, you’re actually just re-stating the obvious on these (technical folks will already know that Passport is an authentication library, and Bcrypt is a password library). These are adding nothing to the resume, so you might as well delete anything else that’s obvious like them. Don’t fill the resume with lines that are obvious knowledge to anyone who’d be technical.
“Learning new technologies, Touch typing, Working on cognitive abilities” aren’t legitimate interests either and are best just deleted.
I know there is some disagreement about this, but I fall down on the side that a skills section is important. Putting them in your projects section can get repetitive - if you try to list them exhaustively.
But another problem is that, especially for entry level positions, the first person to read the resume, the gate-keeper, may be non-technical. They will often be a recruiter or an HR person that will not be able to infer things. Additionally, at that level, they are often looking at hundreds of resumes, sometimes thousands. They have a checklist of keywords from the engineering team and they are quickly scanning your resume for those keywords. If they don’t find them in 3 seconds, they just move onto the next one. My philosophy is to make it as easy as possible to find what they need, not to bury it in narrative.
When I worked my first job, I happened to end up at lunch sitting next to a person that worked in HR and we talked about the process. I’m sure there are different places that operated differently, but I suspect there is a lot more of this than people care to admit. Heck, many of my first interviews were with people that had no idea what I was talking about - they were just asking about keywords and noting if I seemed to know what I was talking about.
I think as you get more advanced, it becomes less important, since your experience speaks much more loudly, and resumes probably get read more closely. At that level, it may even seem silly to have a skills list. But for a beginner, skills are often a strange hodge-podge and may even include skills that aren’t in one of the three projects you decided to list. The other advantage is that it fills out the page. True, it forces you to tighten up the other sections to make it fit, but that often improves the resume since many entry level resumes pad the other sections way, way too much, obscuring the information people want.
→ First improve your resume, i prefer use canva, you can make something like this for free
→ secondly i agree with @astv99, mention your working experience, where you worked from when to when and on what key technologies you worked with,
→ also keep projects description short,
→ when mentioning you technical skills maybe put a star in front of you best skills
Since I left that diatribe, let me look at your resume…
Unless it is standard in your country, do not include your DOB.
Your summary at the top - it’s a bunch of mumbling that doesn’t tell the hirer what they want to know. They want to know what kind of job you are looking for. That is the first thing they are checking - is this resume even worth continuing.
1.5 years of development experience"
What? What job? If it wasn’t a paying job, or some major opensource project in which you were a major player, etc - then it isn’t “experience”.
This should be something like:
I am a MERN stack developer looking for an entry level position. I live in [general area] but can work remotely or would consider relocating for the right position.
That is quick and to the point - they know what category you fall into.
Your project descriptions are too detailed. There should be 1-3 bullet points. If they’re interested, they can look at your github.
The skills section would save a lot of space and look better if it was a multi column list.
I’d get rid of your achievements section. And don’t brag about your typing skills - it sounds silly and amateurish. And I’ve known many great coders that aren’t great typers.
Get rid of the Interests section. This isn’t your dating profile. They don’t care about calisthenics. Every person applying is (or will say that they are) interested in learning new techs. No one cares that you’re passionate about typing. (And that might be a little weird.) And I’m not even sure what “working of cognitive abilities” means.
Yeah, definitely tighten this up. There is no reason for this to be two pages. This can easily be one page, with space to spare.
After your header, have your 2-3 sentence introduction. Since you have no work experience, put your skills next. Then put your projects (with a lot less detail). Then education (move the last line up into the middle of the line above it), then languages. I question if languages is necessary, but it may be if you are in the Indian market where (I imagine) language can be an issue.
On that point, if you are applying in an Indian market, there may be some cultural considerations. They may do resumes/CVs a little differently. You may want to ask around to see what people in your area think.
post you resume on linkedin