Hi. First I’d like to apologize if some of you are already sick of my posts… I’m really sorry, I don’t know where else to talk about this stuff since it’s related and I found the community here to be supportive.
I’m 25 years old and, well, I’m not a very successful person, if at all successful. I’ve been doing minimum wage fast food and factory jobs for all my working life (a few years basically, and been unemployed for some years due to personal reasons).
I have a 2 year diploma in software engineering, so I come with some background already. That said, the diploma isn’t helping with finding a job. I finished a year ago and only one of my classmates has found a job, in QA. I eventually figured companies are looking for experience, or a degree which I don’t have. I haven’t yet started with the curriculum because I’m doing another Udemy course, but will start very soon.
I’m desperate to improve my life, but it somehow feels that if someone hasn’t managed to build a respectable career by my age, chances are they never will. Combine that with the fact that I’ll most likely apply for a CS degree soon and the fact that it will take a few years to be ready for a job, and well I can’t see why a 30 year old fast food worker who has never had a career job would be an impressive person. So I’m naturally really afraid that it’s simply never going to happen to me. I’m in love with web development and that’s the career I want, but my fear is keeping me back sometimes. My only motivation is the fact that I’m enjoying it, not actually because it might get me a decent career.
I’ll be honest, I kinda want reassurance and encouragement because this feeling is obviously not doing me any good, yet I can’t help but obsess over how unsuccessful I am. I honestly feel it might be too late for me, especially due to the fact that I’m nothing but a fast food worker. And I don’t mean it’s too late now, I mean it would be too late in a few years from now once I’m job-ready.