Tell us what’s happening:
I ran my code and it worked fine while I was testing locally, but when used the test module provided, my code didn’t pass a single test. I didn’t make the code with it giving more than two numbers per problem. Should I modify the code or start from scratch? but even if I did I have no other ideas on how to solve this…
Your code so far
def arithmetic_arranger(problems, Sum = None):
# Preparation...
ch_1 = list()
ch_2 = list()
ch_3 = list()
ch_4 = list()
ch_4_1 = list()
problem_space = list()
space_needed = list()
space_between = list()
ans_space = list()
dump = list()
# Too many problems detection code.
if len(problems) > 5:
return print("Error: Too many problems.")
# Separating into different lists.
for problem in problems:
nums = problem.split()
# Wrong operator detection code.
for opr in ch_2:
# print(opr)
if opr == "+" or opr == "-":
return print("Error: Operator must be '+' or '-'.")
# Too many digits and wrong characters detection code.
for dig in ch_1:
# print(dig)
if len(dig) > 4 :
return print("Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits.")
return print("Error: Numbers must only contain digits.")
for dig in ch_3:
# print(dig)
if len(dig) > 4 :
return print("Error: Numbers cannot be more than four digits.")
return print("Error: Numbers must only contain digits.")
# Calculating spaces code, and constructing sums list code.
for problem in problems:
nums = problem.split()
# print(nums)
problem_space.append(max(len(nums[0]), len(nums[2])) + 2)
# print(len(nums[0]), len(nums[2]))
if nums[1] == "+":
ch_4.append(int(nums[0]) + int(nums[2]))
elif nums[1] == "-":
ch_4.append(int(nums[0]) - int(nums[2]))
if len(nums[0]) >= len(nums[2]):
space_between.append((abs(len(nums[2]) - len(nums[0]))) + 1)
elif len(nums[0]) < len(nums[2]):
space_needed.append((len(nums[2]) - len(nums[0])) + 6)
if nums[1] == "+":
cur_sum = str(int(nums[0]) + int(nums[2]))
elif nums[1] == "-":
cur_sum = str(int(nums[0]) - int(nums[2]))
ans_space.append((max(len(nums[0]), len(nums[2])) + 2) - len(cur_sum))
# Accounting for first arithmetic problem spacing.
first = problems[0].split()
if len(first[0]) >= len(first[2]):
space_needed[0] = 2
elif len(first[0]) < len(first[2]):
space_needed[0] = (len(first[2]) - len(first[0])) + 2
# Turning the sums list into strings.
for num in ch_4:
# Debugging..
# print(ch_1)
# print(ch_2)
# print(ch_3)
# print(ch_4)
# print(problem_space)
# print(space_needed)
# print(space_between)
# print(ans_space)
# Displaying the problems in a neat way.
if len(problems) == 1:
arranged_problems = " " * space_needed[0] + ch_1[0] + "\n" + ch_2[0] + " " * space_between[0] + ch_3[0] + "\n" + "-" * problem_space[0]
if Sum == True:
arranged_problems = arranged_problems + "\n" + " " * ans_space[0] + ch_4_1[0]
return arranged_problems
if len(problems) == 2:
arranged_problems = " " * space_needed[0] + ch_1[0] + " " * space_needed[1] + ch_1[1] + "\n" + ch_2[0] + " " * space_between[0] + ch_3[0] + " " * 4 + ch_2[1] + " " * space_between[1] + ch_3[1] + "\n" + "-" * problem_space[0] + " " * 4 + "-" * problem_space[1]
if Sum == True:
arranged_problems = arranged_problems + "\n" + " " * ans_space[0] + ch_4_1[0] + " " * 4 + " " * ans_space[1] + ch_4_1[1]
return arranged_problems
if len(problems) == 3:
arranged_problems = " " * space_needed[0] + ch_1[0] + " " * space_needed[1] + ch_1[1] + " " * space_needed[2] + ch_1[2] + "\n" + ch_2[0] + " " * space_between[0] + ch_3[0] + " " * 4 + ch_2[1] + " " * space_between[1] + ch_3[1] + " " * 4 + ch_2[2] + " " * space_between[2] + ch_3[2] + "\n" + "-" * problem_space[0] + " " * 4 + "-" * problem_space[1] + " " * 4 + "-" * problem_space[2]
if Sum == True:
arranged_problems = arranged_problems + "\n" + " " * ans_space[0] + ch_4_1[0] + " " * 4 + " " * ans_space[1] + ch_4_1[1] + " " * 4 + " " * ans_space[2] + ch_4_1[2]
return arranged_problems
if len(problems) == 4:
arranged_problems = " " * space_needed[0] + ch_1[0] + " " * space_needed[1] + ch_1[1] + " " * space_needed[2] + ch_1[2] + " " * space_needed[3] + ch_1[3] + "\n" + ch_2[0] + " " * space_between[0] + ch_3[0] + " " * 4 + ch_2[1] + " " * space_between[1] + ch_3[1] + " " * 4 + ch_2[2] + " " * space_between[2] + ch_3[2] + " " * 4 + ch_2[3] + " " * space_between[3] + ch_3[3] + "\n" + "-" * problem_space[0] + " " * 4 + "-" * problem_space[1] + " " * 4 + "-" * problem_space[2] + " " * 4 + "-" * problem_space[3]
if Sum == True:
arranged_problems = arranged_problems + "\n" + " " * ans_space[0] + ch_4_1[0] + " " * 4 + " " * ans_space[1] + ch_4_1[1] + " " * 4 + " " * ans_space[2] + ch_4_1[2] + " " * 4 + " " * ans_space[3] + ch_4_1[3]
return arranged_problems
if len(problems) == 5:
arranged_problems = " " * space_needed[0] + ch_1[0] + " " * space_needed[1] + ch_1[1] + " " * space_needed[2] + ch_1[2] + " " * space_needed[3] + ch_1[3] + " " * space_needed[4] + ch_1[4] + "\n" + ch_2[0] + " " * space_between[0] + ch_3[0] + " " * 4 + ch_2[1] + " " * space_between[1] + ch_3[1] + " " * 4 + ch_2[2] + " " * space_between[2] + ch_3[2] + " " * 4 + ch_2[3] + " " * space_between[3] + ch_3[3] + " " * 4 + ch_2[4] + " " * space_between[4] + ch_3[4] + "\n" + "-" * problem_space[0] + " " * 4 + "-" * problem_space[1] + " " * 4 + "-" * problem_space[2] + " " * 4 + "-" * problem_space[3] + " " * 4 + "-" * problem_space[4]
if Sum == True:
arranged_problems = arranged_problems + "\n" + " " * ans_space[0] + ch_4_1[0] + " " * 4 + " " * ans_space[1] + ch_4_1[1] + " " * 4 + " " * ans_space[2] + ch_4_1[2] + " " * 4 + " " * ans_space[3] + ch_4_1[3] + " " * 4 + " " * ans_space[4] + ch_4_1[4]
return arranged_problems
arithmetic_arranger(["32 + 698", "3801 - 2", "45 + 43", "123 + 49"], True)
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Challenge: Arithmetic Formatter
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