I was trying to figure out how to change the links of the solution under the responsive web design projects after I already marked them as complete, since I accidentally used a wrong link. Then I accidentally clicked to claim certification and it gave me the certification even though I’m not done with my projects.
I was planning on going back and changing the projects later since I was just a bit more interested in learning Javascript than CSS so I rushed through those projects now and wanted to come back to them later when I make my portfolio page. (which was the project provided the wrong link for).
Is it possible to un-claim the certificate or change the solution links?
Just go to your profile, put the link in the appropriate field and click “Save Progress”.
There is no “Save Progress” button after you click the button to get the certificate. Instead, it shows a "Show Certificate button.
Look, I wouldn’t even have asked this question if there was a ‘save progress’ button after I accidentally clicked on get certificate.
After you are given the certificate, the ‘save progress’ button becomes a ‘show certificate’ button.
Try going to the project page from the curriculum map (freeCodeCamp.org/learn), where you originally submitted the link. Can you put a new link in that box and submit?
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Update: it worked, I just had to also click “Submit and go to the next challenge”
I had the same problem (I didn’t know that CodePen doesn’t autosave). I tried to do this (going to the page where I first submitted the link), but it doesn’t change the link, it stays the same
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