Issue running offline

I am trying to get free code camp running locally offline and am having an issue. I followed the guide Contribution Guidelines | and everything works fine when connected to wifi but running pnpm develop without wifi gives an error

FetchError: request to failed, reason: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND

I was under the impression that after downloading and running the command the first time, internet would not be required after that. Is internet always required for pnpm develop?

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Welcome there,

I often develop without internet access. All that is required is:
a) pnpm i to get all the node_modules
b) pnpm run develop to build the configs, download trending.json, and download the component library packages
c) OPTIONAL but recommended: Change the build:css script to remove the dlx command. That way, the component library does not spend an extra 20min trying to fetch stuff from the net.

Hope this clarifies

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Thanks for the clarification. I tried removing the dlx command from build:css but did not notice much of a difference, it will still fail to run without internet. Is there no way to cache the configs and the trending.json after the first initial running of pnpm develop?

The files are cached:

Provided you are not running pnpm run clean-and-develop, the files will remain for subsequent runs.

The problem is in the client/tools/download-trending.ts file, the download function here is fetching the trending JSON each time and will throw an error if not found

I adjusted this function to use the existing trending JSON file if it exists and now I am able to run pnpm develop completely offline

const download = async (clientLocale: string) => {
  const url = createCdnUrl(clientLocale)

  const trendingLocation = path.resolve(

  const loadTrendingJSON = async () => {
    try {
      const res = await fetch(url)
      const data = await res.text()
      const trendingJSON = JSON.stringify(yaml.load(data))

      return trendingJSON
    } catch (error) {
      const cachedTrendingJSON = readFileSync(trendingLocation, 'utf8')

      if (!cachedTrendingJSON) {
        throw new Error(
          Error: The CDN is missing the trending YAML file.
          Unable to fetch the ${clientLocale}

      return cachedTrendingJSON

  const trendingJSON = await loadTrendingJSON()

  writeFileSync(trendingLocation, trendingJSON)

  const trendingObject = JSON.parse(trendingJSON) as Record<string, string>

  const validationError =
    (trendingSchemaValidator(trendingObject).error as Error) || null

  if (validationError) {
    throw new Error(
    Error: The trending JSON is invalid.
    Unable to validate the ${clientLocale} trending JSON schema: ${validationError.message}

Create a PR with this fix fix: adjust `client/tools/download-trending.ts` to work without internet connection by Riley-Brown · Pull Request #51286 · freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp · GitHub

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