JavaScript for beginner

Hi There,
New to the forum and to coding. My name is Lew and I am 58 yrs young and thought I would have a go at JavaScript with a view to maybe getting some work as a developer.
Would appreciate people being honest if I’m too old to learn then please say.
Would also really appreciate how I go about starting to learn JavaScript and what are some of the best resources.
Appreciate people’s time so thank you in advance.
Hope this is the right way to post.


try these two apps, mimo and sololearn. They helped me learn and practice a lot.

Thanks for the reply Dez, will take a look.

hi there, first I want to to say that it is never too late to learn to code. You can definitely do it if you really want to. As for the resources, I do recommend two
Learn JavaScript for free - 9-hour interactive tutorial ( This a project based course where you can code right in the browser and learn through building stuff
JavaScript Tutorial ( This a written course that can teach you all the basics of JS

Welcome to the community, Lew!

I can guarantee that you are not to old as I am nearing the age of 70 years on earth, and just began learning code. Currently, my best progress has been in Responsive Web Design. But, I am also working on the JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structure.
The courses are presented in such a great step by step manner, that I think most people can manage,
However, we all have times, when we are stuck, or the brain knows it, but won’t process it. These times, the community is a great place to turn for support. It is amazing all around!
I think both of the mentioned courses are easy to get started.
Resources besides this great community:
I have found some articles presented previously within the forum very helpful, along with a couple of outside sources. is a favorite of mine for tutorials and information.
The YouTube freeCodeCamp and Podcast are great for learners, too.

Happy coding! :slight_smile:

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