I’m an experienced fullstack web developer, and I started to take freecodecamp courses a few days ago.
Indeed, it’s going to be a lot more easier for an experienced developer to complete the courses, but believe me, I’m learning a lot! And I realize that sometimes we learn to implement a given functionality while Ignoring how this thing really works behind the scenes.
I pause then a question: are there other dev, junior or senior who one as even participated in the adventure? what do you think about it ?
I’m a software engineer and I know there are a few other experienced/professional developers (web and otherwise) that are part of the community and think FCC is great.
I am also a software eng (not web) and i find FCC a great resource… i relate with the “way” we learn here:
Here is a use-case of the functionality you need to implement… go do it!
Not just theoretical stuff and multiple choice questions (there are other and better resources for that).
I have been learning a ton and still have much much more to learn
Having a SW eng background i think it helped to “tackle” FCC just in the sense on “how” i address a challenge… it gave me that bit of “extra-confidence” to endure but “technologically” i don’t think it gave me any advantage (i work with SQL,Java,etc… never JS, HTML, CSS).
Just join FCC last night, and think that the first html curriculum is a basic one that i have been doing for past 8 years. And actually what makes me interest in joining the FCC is helping / joining the non profit projects. Before i can get involved in that project i have to completed 1200+hours of curriculum, and i’m encourage if i can get to join the non profit project sooner ? or i have to finish all of the required curriculum first ? While some of the material i believe will give me a great “back to basic” information like the other people have.
Was in college for and published my first website over 20 years ago now.
There is ALWAYS something new to learn and/or a new way of doing it. I am learning tons as well. If you aren’t constantly in learning mode, you will fall behind in this industry.
I’ve been mostly a dba/back-end/web server admin and just getting back to doing front-end development over the past few months and loving doing so for the first time since I first learned HTML/CSS/Javascript!