Tell us what’s happening:
I’m around 25% of the way, on the step "Next, you can start adding some info. Since the students table needs a major_id, you can add a major first. View the details of the majors table to see what info it expects"
I know the course is meant to be done in one sitting, but life is not like that and I had to attend to other things while doing the course, and I was disconnected from GitPod. Once I tried to reconnect, my virtual machine opens in bash, but I can’t seem to connect to psql:
camper: /project$ psql --username=freecodecamp --dbname=students psql: error: connection to server at "", port 5432 failed: Connection refused Is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?
I’ve tried Googling the error, but can’t seem to figure out a way to get through it. My VM on GitPod seems to be working fine, but I don’t know enough about it to be sure. Any tips on what else I can do here?
I’ve pinned the project on GitPod so I don’t lose it, and accidentally created a new one on FCC’s project page. Will FCC still understand the old project as finished even if I created a new one?
I’m trying to avoid having to re-do what I’ve done so far, but if that’s the only solution … so be it. Any ideas to try to save this project before doing that are welcome, thou.
EDIT - Status update. From the GitPod launch page, I’ve tried launching the project on the browser, closed it, and re-opened in VS Code. It’s working now. I’ll leave it open in case anyone has any idea what happened, but at least I was able to move forward and hopefully this message will be helpful to someone else. Cheers!
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Learn SQL by Building a Student Database: Part 1 - Build a Student Database: Part 1