Login page (Bootstrap)

How can I make a loginpage like this? <img src="//cdck-file-uploads-global.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/freecodecamp/original/3X/7/a/7a7be3218935fc2af018e930bac614b652748076.PNG" width="690" height="389">

I like to get some advice.

[quote=“agilecoder, post:1, topic:110115”]


Do you mean the functionality or the styling?

The functionality could be done with Node and Passport. The styling shouldn’t be too difficult if you have done the first few projects.

I mean the styling, I’m at Bootstrap now.

It is often useful to write down what the structure is:

  • header
  • content
  • form
  • links

Here is what I could make of it: https://codepen.io/benjaminvanzwienen/pen/GmWEOj?editors=1100

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Thank you for your effort, but I’m a beginner (started yesterday with FCC) can I also learn web-development? I’m a CEO of a small marketing agency (consulting firm) and learning this in my spare time with my devs.

Is worth checking out if you want to use bootstrap and get some “ideas”.

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