Making money while learning

My experience as a freelancer was one and the only.

I’ve applied for some jobs (low paying) and got one guy to fix WordPress. The job was ~30 bucks.

The chief wanted to test me first, so he gave a test job to fix some comment display issues. I said I was new and haven’t worked with WP before, still spent around an hour and a half on the test job, which it would cost him like 6 dollars, and the chef said I was too slow.

Because I accepted a job offer of 30usd, cut his share of the pay, and I didn’t even get the money… So working for money = giving your money to those platforms :smiley:

It could be that I wasn’t confident enough to demand more for my work, or maybe there’s only people that want to get everything for almost nothing?

I wish you good luck finding honest pay on those platforms :slight_smile:

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Not sure if this has been suggested, but there are websites you can contract yourself out. Try to find something really small to get real world experience. What have you got to lose?