Hello! this is my first personal portfolio, it took me quite a few days, but I’m glad with the overall design and functionality, It’s a bit more biased towards lower resolutions, but I’m happy with the current state so I’ve just submitted it a couple of minutes ago
Any feedback is welcomed!
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U r portfolio is awesome. U r ingenius. I love the frame one upon another scrolling. Nice work.
BTW… plz do check my portfolio too. Ignore my pic. Lack of pics. Will change it soon.
Slider - > indicator goes up on active slide - is it meant to do that?
I don’t necessarily dig the idea of having the body not fullwidth but the homepage animation is great. Simple and spot on at the same time.
Yeah, I thought about the indicators, but I decided it wasn’t really necessary right now as all images are placeholders…
Well the animation is a bit of a side effect of trying to go to the top of the page with a fixed background like that, but what a beautiful one
@Manoja9 Thank you! I’ll check it, sure.