My product landing pages

Hello everyone! Here are two product landing pages I created for the HTML/CSS project. The second one is not so much of a product landing but more of a category-product landing (idk if this makes any sense :stuck_out_tongue: ). Anyway check them out and let me know what you think.

Page #1:

Page #2:

I may have overdone a bit with the coloring, but yolo :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey @TheCakeThatTriedToCo,
You have got a good working page here which has functionality it is supposed to have.
You have done well even on the responsive part.
One thing i noticed is that

When i click on links in navbar, it takes me to weird places,
i always have to scroll up to see the part i wish to.
Try fixing that.

I will agree with you on that one, so see if you can make few changes in color scheme.
However, a good working overall page.

Thanks for the feedback. I spent hours trying to fix that problem but couldn’t find a solution. I’ll give it another try today.