Need advice where to start

Hi, I am a little lost after after leaving my university mid way. I was hoping I would learn to be a frontend web developer. But where to start ? In Freecodecapm YouTube channel there is a video on frontend web development boot camp about 21hours. So should I start from there or in freecodecapm website course in responsive web design and JavaScript Algorithm and Data structure.

Hey! Welcome to the freeCodeCamp’s community forums.

In my humble opinion, whenever you’re trying to learn something that has anything to do with programming and computer science, you need a healthy mix of theory as well as practice to make it stick.

Theory and facts would help you understand how and why things are working the way they do and the exercises will help you develop your problem solving skills.

FreeCodeCamp’s Responsive web development curriculum is a great way to practice and learn all the tools necessary to get really good at responsive and accessible web design.

here’s a link to that course. (Use this to practice)

But I would also encourage you to compliment this with MDN’s learn web development course which is mostly reading material and goes much more in depth.

here’s a link to mdn’s learn web dev course (use this for theory)

Hope this helps! :smile:

thanks for your advise i will try to follow through them.

Honestly, it does not matter where you start. Pick a tutorial or some thing and start. As long as you’re practising and building things you’ll learn much more than just reading or watching. Pick a starting point, follow it through and practise. Bit by bit you’ll improve and learn more.

Good luck and enjoy the ride

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