Hello, fellow freecodeCampers. Would you mind checking my portfolio webpage and provide me feedback on anything you think I might be missing! I’ve been building this Personal portfolio project from a long time and I’ve tried to made it fully responsive as much I can.
Check My Personal Web page here and give me feedback, thanks in advance.
Bootstrap makes the page really responsive.
Your code is well structured.
I noticed a typo in the welcome section: probbably
Do have any projects of your own you can show case?
Happy coding
Hi @Teller thanks for spending your valuable time to review my code and for providing me feedback. The typo is corrected, thanks.
There are one or two things I would like to say about this project.
- Bootstrap alone can’t make a website this much responsive on all device. One have to use custom CSS too.
- I have faced great difficulty to make the project holder and project container responsive on all device.
Some key points about my webpage:
- Background color changes constantly.
- Contact me page is fully functional. Means if you submit anything, I’ll receive it.
- On Contact me page there is a floating button that redirects user to home. Since Contact me page doesn’t have/show nav.
Now coming to my own project:
Yes, I have created a basic functional program, which alerts user to take a break while working long hours onscreen.
Screen time Monitoring and alert
By default, it is set to alert the user on 2 hrs, but one can change the timing as per their need. For now you have to set the alarm manually and after setting the alert you can do your own work. At the right time it will alert you with sound.
If you want to test how it works the just type 1 in the input field and set the alert.
I’m also working on another simple project, once I make that live I’ll come back for feedback.
Thanks again.
Nice but the header color is kinda boring
Hey @CaptainBeast thanks for your words. Can you suggest a better color that would fit with rest of the page?