Hi! I’m new and I’m also having trouble getting 2 tests to rectify for my survey page.
I just don’t understand what it is referring to as far as grouping the radio buttons with the name attribute…I did that!
Here’s the link with the code: https://codepen.io/qbits242/pen/BVYjMZ
I would love help on understanding this.
Thank you in advance!
I just ran the test and the log says
AssertionError: All your radio-buttons must have a value attribute : expected 3 to equal 0.
So go head and give your radio and check boxes value attributes
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@shimphillip I can’t believe it was that easy!
I guess I was intimidated by all of the error messaging that I didn’t understand what it was asking for. As far as understanding what to assign for input items such as name=, value=, id=, and for=, I feel a little confused by that especially when two of them are supposed to match, (for and id?) and then there’s the crossover to the CSS. I’m sure I’ll get it eventually.
Thanks so much, man! I was stumped for a while on that. You da man!
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Actually, I’m having another issue that doesn’t make sense. It says the name-label expected text…but it’s all there. I don’t know what happened?
I would recommend you, have another and better layout. Since this layout is broken for mobile, same for desktop is a little mess.
Hopefully you applied some basic essentials like label for checkbox and radio buttons, placeholder for textfield and a disabled default option for combobox, very good.
Submit button is sharp and cool I like it too.
About colour scheme, the blue colour could be a little lighter so black colour is more clear as foreground,
I suggest you read my post about survey form challenge walkthrough (feedback is appreciated too). I stated some tip, template layout and suggestions there, could be helpful I hope.
Keep goin on great work, fix the layout first, it’s essential.
happy programming.
@NULL_dev thank you for the layout suggestion. I still don’t understand what is keeping the one test from executing correctly though, when everything is there. I think it’s #10.
As for the color scheme, I’m still playing around with that as i just stuck colors in so I could see the padding/margin boxes easily.
Thank you for your help!
The #10 says your input text fields have no any associated label to them.
Easy to fix, just like you added label for radio and checkbox buttons, do the same label tagging for input text fields.
Also note one thing, you may pass FCC tests, but as we(humans) checked/check your work, we still see issues about layouting. At the end this is human should be happy about your work, not a test. Keep the test in mind, but do the job right.
keep goin on great work, happy programming
Thank you for your help on this and the encouragement to make sure it’s done right. I tried to use the exact same tagging as you said, but it still isn’t working. I did however, make other changes based on your blog and I will be updating the color scheme as well.