Hello every one I wanna learn python also kind confused this website any one can help
I will be happy to help but could you please elaborate more about your issues with the website so I can understand what you want exactly?
nope there is no issue from website but there is issues from as you know for begginers
Let us know if you have any confusion with how to navigate the curriculum site. Generally, I have found the instructions to be pretty straight forward. You just keep moving on from project to project in the correct order and do your best to follow the steps. No rocket science.
For Python, you start with the Scientific Computing with Python course. As you work through the projects, try to understand the reasoning behind each step, because you’ll need to understand how the whole program comes together in order to build your own projects later on by yourself. If you end up stumped on a step, google around a little or search this forum for similar issues in past posts. That will usually get you going again. If that fails, then create a post here with your problem described in as much detail as you can. Someone will be sure to help - that’s the whole purpose of this forum!
Happy coding,
Please Tell us what’s happening in your own words. Learning to describe problems is hard, but it is an important part of learning how to code.
Also, the more you say, the more we can help!
You can start the Python curriculum here: https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/scientific-computing-with-python/learn-string-manipulation-by-building-a-cipher/step-1