Feel like I haven't learned anyhing

Just finished the Scientific Computing with Python Course and now in the Arithmetic Problem.

When presented with the problem and how to do it. I got no idea how to do it or where to start! :sweat_smile: Seen some code from other people who done it before I can identify some syntax but don’t get the overall flow of how to do the exercise… Should I push through and apply the Read-Search-Ask method? Or just go do some very basic Python exercises over at W3schools or something?

EDIT: This is my first language btw

TLDR: Stuck when presented with a real problem to code.

it’s normal.

First, make sure you understand what’s the output for each input

then, in your own words, plain english (or pseudocode, or a block diagram, or whatever) you can start creating your algorithm. Once you have it somewhat working, you can translate to a programming language

Also utilize the walk-thru tutorials pertaining to the language you are learning on YouTube even if you don’t understand most of it, because it might help solidify what you are doing with these algorithms. I have found it helpful. It might not work for you, but give it a go. Some people learn with visualizations. I have mild dyslexia and it can be taxing reading the instructions. Most importantly, stay interested so you have the drive to work thru the modules. Projects give purpose to what we are learning.

With the projects you just have to power through by force sometimes, the huge leap from the level of difficulty of the tutorials versus the challenges is quite big in most of these certificates.

  • Start with the README, read through it slowly, absorb it and make sure you fully understand the problem,
  • The challenge is broken down into steps (and each step has a test) so tackle the project one step/test at a time, when each step is completed move onto the next,
  • Think about possible solutions for each step, try to implement some, experiment with the code and try to get it working, research other solutions to the small / micro problems, read-search-ask

Personally I would focus on the fcc project rather than practising your python on easier challenges as it won’t really make this challenge any less difficult when you come back to it,
You can use w3 schools as a python reference.

The projects tend to be quite esoteric so understanding the problem is half the challenge with these projects.

Good luck

Don’t worry, I’m just like you just start learning Python, 1 & half months before 1st Nov, with the help of online course. When my mentor gives me the exercise of Building a Tic Tac Toe Game in the Terminal(or command prompt), I have no idea what the hell is going on, I try to make things work, but I can’t get that solution, I write the pseudo-code, but I can’t convert that to a python code.

Become depressed for 2 days and then I decide to watch the tutorial and then I try to do that, but I got stuck so much. After a lot of struggle, I get the flow, and that was my first project. I am now starting to do some coding challenges and try to think like a programmer. (Still Beginner)

Do some hand-on exercise and problems, do some exercise daily. We can only learn coding by doing, so do that. Use “w3school.com” as a reference, like if you have any doubt check them, they show the information with nice and easy examples.

Learning to code takes times, maybe a lot of time than you/we expect. Keep pushing yourself.

And, Python is ‘my first programming language’ and I just start on November 1st.

@eduardoramosdev What I recommend you do now is to create your own Python projects. Make some applications that are useful to you. That is what I do. If you are into chess create a simple application related to chess.

Another thing is to start a project is to breakdown how the project will work into small sections, then put it all together. Writing pseudo code can help a lot! Start like this:

Print introduction.

Get user input.

Set timer.

While timer greater than zero.
    subtract one from zero.

Then write you functions based on your pseudo code.

def print_intro()

def get_user_input()

def set_timer()

def countdown(time)

Add your code to the functions to build your application.

def print_intro():
    '''Print introduction to timer application'''

    print('This timer will countdown from the number of your choice.')

def get_user_input():
    '''Get input from user'''
    time = eval(input('Enter a number to start countdown: ')) 
    if not time:
        print('You must supply a number to start timer.')
    return time
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