New to coding Youtube video

Hello, I’m new to coding and FCC is my first experience, which youtube videos would you suggest I watch while doing my training?

What do you want the videos to be about?

It would be easier if you looked up “Html tutorial” or “CSS tutorial” or even “tutorials” on the forums. You’d find LOTS of resources + reviews + additional advice. The “search” icon is perfect for that !

Good luck,


That explains what I need exactly, thank you

Thanks for asking. I am also new to coding and will be following.

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There is so much out there -

Some of us like to pay for tutorials on Udemy, but there is no need to.

The Net Ninja (youtube) seems to have videos about everything and is often recommended here.

I’ve started the Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy and have learned a lot.

Any topic you want, look it up on the forums…


Like @timotheap said there is plenty out there. Some of my favorites are the net ninja, Devtips, learn code Academy and level up tuts.

Also, some months you can get really good deals on some udemy courses. I purchased the web developer bootcamp by colt steele on udemy for $10 last month.

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