Picking a static site generator

I am looking for a static site generator for a private site where I can put my journal (markdown files). I never used one and there are so many.

Do you use a static site generator? If so, which one and why? Which ones did you consider?

I would prefer one based on a technology that I can at least understand. I already know some javascript and python and will be studying it in the near future. A long time ago I worked with PHP, so that might be ok too.

I noticed a lot of positive reviews for Eleventy (a recent one and javascript based) and I like some of the features of MkDocs (python). I am willing to spend some time testing two or three, but which ones? Or does the technology notmatter as long as you don’t customize it?

A lot of them mention that you can upload it to Netlify, some of the tutorials only mention Netlify, but as I have my own webserver that is where I want to upload it to.

Which ones do you recommend?

Check out Gatsby and deploy it on netlify will cost you nothing.
The learning curve is not that difficult. You can make own website in a month or two
Tutorial link :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzWIUX3CpuI
You can add Contentful as CMS.

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Thanks for the video, it looks very interesting and helpful to get started.

I will give Netlify a try for a small project so that I know what it is and how to use it, but not for a private project.
As I have my very own LEMP VPS (I even have two) and a couple of domain names, I want to upload the site to my own web server.

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Hey there,

there is a great comparison site for static site generators:

You can select your preferred language and see some options.

I used Gatsby a lot, but I will give Next a try.

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Wow you have your own web servers. Good to know . Best of luck with the site. :v::v:

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I forgot to update this post.
I have chosen Hugo. Instead of blogging and making JS projects, I am now making my own Hugo theme. I guess that counts as a project too.
