Please someone review my product landing page

I just finished my product landing page HTML and CSS project and I wanted a little review from the community before submission… any suggestions, scrutiny, or fault-finding will be highly appreciated… Thanks.

This is the codepen to the page:

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It is passing 13/16, have you tested it with the cdn link?

<script src="">

Hey there @Eprince! So your landing page looks amazing and I have no qualms about your design. It’s responsive, eye-catiching, and overall amazing. When you add in the test script your CSS is done. However, there are some errors in your Html.

Issue 1-img-header

So this was your previous img code:

 <!--company logo-->
        <div id="header-img">
            alt="Organilux Logo"

The User story calls for the <img> tag to have the ID of header-img. You placed the ID at <div id="header-img">

The ID needs to be at the img tag to complete user story 2. This should be your fulfilled code:

<img id="header-img"
            alt="Organilux Logo"

@Cy499_Studios, wow, thanks a lot for this observation, i appreciate… thanks, I will fix it

Hello, @MrBondx, thanks for your reply, please should I just add this link to my HTML or css file;, how do I run the test, please?.

No problem @Eprince!

The way you add your test script is you add the link into the top of your html. However, I know that’s kind of the wrong way to do it. The fonts should be in the <head> element and the test script should be at the end of the <body> tag. Here’s an article that explains the html boilerplate:

Happy coding!,

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