I have just finished free code camps legacy full stack certification! I’m about to start looking for a junior developer role now and this portfolio is my first web app I have made since finishing FCC’s curriculum. My writing skills are definitely below-par so if anyone has any suggestions on how to reword resume I am all ears.
I am looking for any constructive criticism that can help improve the portfolio if any of you would be so kind.
Congrats on finishing the full stack certification!
Just a couple of thoughts I had.
I was a little confused by the review carousel.
You are using fake names and lorem ipsum which indicates they are fake reviews.
So I would remove that since it doesn’t add anything to your website.
For me, some of the projects took a while to load.
It might just be my connection but I would double check on your end to make sure.
Yes the carousel isn’t finished. I’m contacting all of my references and getting their approval and statements before I put them on. That will all hopefully be proper references in about a week. I was trying to style and get it ready as I wait.
The projects take a while because they are put on heroku and I haven’t paid money for them to be up live at all times. I don’t think it’s worth paying for just to have them come up faster as I am looking for a job so there’s not much money going around haha. Once they are uploaded heroku will have them running properly but the way I understand it is that after 30 minutes of no one using it then the servers will shut down.
If you know of a better free hosting service besides heroku I would love to try it out!
If you are applying for full-stack jobs you really need your page to be fully optimized (it took around 7+ seconds to load for me). I would highly recommend using the Chrome dev tools Lighthouse audit on your page, I ran it and there are numerous easy fixes that you should make.
You may also want to consider focusing on if you are looking for freelance work, or for full time developer work, because it may not be best to do both with the same site.
It may also be worthwhile to showcase your degree a little bit more on the resume. I think a mathematics degree may be a great asset, especially if you get into data analysis etc.
Thank you for your feedback! You’re right it does make more sense to be consistent and not have freelance in it.
I’ll work on both of your suggestions and see if I can fix load time with heroku, display math degree more, and fix terminology to focus on developer job.
Again thank you both for your feedback! I’m greatly appreciative.