Portfolio For Job Search - Feedback Please - Thank you!

Hiya, Please let me know of any feedback or advice for my portfolio site!. This is my third iteration of a portfolio, and will be used for my first front-end web dev job search.

Its been approximately a year since I first started with FCC and I can say I’ve come really really far since my first FCC portfolio site :sweat_smile:, so please let me know what else I am missing to strengthen my portfolio.

FYI, projects listed are related to the Chingu Build-To-Learn voyages.



It looks modern and clean and I especially like the timeline!
I think it would be better if you

  1. don’t extend the height of the cover-page. Scrolling doesn’t feel right.
  2. Style keyword tags. Try giving them different background-colors/colors to each category.
  3. More details page for Project Match : It doesn’t lead me straight to the top of the page rather starts from below the image. Perhaps put the title on very top then image under?
  4. More details page for Turtles Tab: You have wrong text there. It says Project Match.

Good luck!

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I like the projects section, pretty cool. I think it looks great but you should probably add some website/webapp project to your projects section, especially if you wish to apply as a front-end web developer.

Also add a small about section with a brief introduction of yourself and main skills.

Clean, simple and beautiful! i like the minimalist style!

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I visited it on my phone; the front page has issues. I had to scroll right to see the right-hand side of your description (or zoom out), and I couldn’t scroll or zoom to see the leftmost part.

great job! :clap:, really inspiring. Its a yardstick for me, tells me how far I’ve to go. Can I ask how did you manage to find these projects, did you work as a developer before or are they freelancing projects.

sorry for the late replies! Got caught up in project deadline / wedding business

@SatchelofSparkles thanks for letting me know – i forgot to add a media query to the landing page text. fixed now.

@Gilbert1391 all the projects are all completed live front-end / full-stack websites…do you have an example of what you mean? and thanks for the advice, i’ll add in a About section a little later!

@shimphillip thanks for the feedback! on the cover page, i’ve tried to force it to not have a scroll, but because of the rotating shapes, its kicking in the scroll and I still havent figured out how to get around this. Fixed the turltesTab project data (i referenced the wrong set of project data), and ill look into the tags and loading onto the top of the page.

@ahsanwaseem All the projects were thought of by me, and were created with a team from Chingu. Chingu is a free online community where they pair you into remote teams of 4, then your team picks a project and builds it together in 8 weeks. It’s pretty great!

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Looks awesom! I love the Chingu Experience for your project.

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i am new to coding but i thought your portfolio page and projects are great i like how you put live links to your projects and not just your github, i think that chingu sounds really cool but im not good enough at coding to be building projects with other people yet but that sounds really fun once i get better i will defo want to give it a go , good luck with the job hunting

Very good, i love the animation in the home page !..i put animation too in my portfolio…look : UX Web Designer

SOOOO DOPEEE… can i buy some of your skills ?

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It’s awesome, but as a minor improvement, I would suggest adding an ssl certificate .
https://letsencrypt.org/ <---- they are free and you can setup them to autorenew

Im suggesting this to you because whenever u visit the site, its marked as “non secure”.

It looks good. You should probably add a contact page, with your email and contact form.
Coding tip to center the text on the landing page: Use flexbox (I commented out the code you don’t need. You can remove it and test)

.landing-container {
    height: 100vh;
    /* overflow: hidden; */
    /* overflow-y: hidden; */
    /* overflow-x: hidden; */
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
.landing-text {
    position: relative;  //Postion relative will place the text on top of the "landing-shapes". You don't need position absolute here
    /* top: 55vh; */
    /* margin: 0 auto; 
    padding: 0 auto;
    text-align: center;
    left: calc(50% - 275px); */
    color: #757575;

Chingu is for everyone, also for beginners.
Everyone gets tasks that suit their skills.

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Hello Francesca,

nice to meet you.
First of all, your Page looks really good, great work!

Some suggestions:


Main Page:

  • The height is greater than the viewport, so there is a useless scrollbar. You can set it to 100vh, the scrollbar will be gone
  • your ServiceWorker doesn’t run: Error during service worker registration: DOMException: Only secure origins are allowed (see: https://goo.gl/Y0ZkNV).
  • when changing into Mobile View, your name in the navbar has no margin to left and resume has no margin to the right
  • in general, a background color of pure white isn’t recommended, something like #eee is much more enjoyable

Projects Page:

  • The heading Projects and the background have a contrast ratio of ~1.5, this is too low to read
  • in the detail view, the usability isn’t optimal, because there is no visual contrast between the descriptions and the images
  • in the detail view, scrolling with the space bar is lagging. I think this is due the amount of images
  • also I have to hit space 10(!) times to get to the bottom of the page.
  • I couldn’t find an opportunity to go back to the Projects Overview

Resume Page:

  • your resume image is 2550 x 3300px in size and ~1mb big
  • by using an image, the links aren’t clickable (email, linkedin, www, demo pages)
  • in the skills section, Apollo and GraphQL don’t have a space in front of it
  • the font of the heading (e.g. Chingu, Project Match etc.) isn’t in harmony with the description font
  • to some extent, the descriptions texts are too long
  • the background color of #2b353d isn’t in harmony with the other pages, it is too dark
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Clean, I can not use the arrow to move the site up and down when looking at your “Project Match” in Chrome.

i like the portfolio,

how long have you been looking for work?
> i dont see why you can’t get a job with a portfolio like that

is california that competitive?

bravo sir, great job

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Thank a lot !..:ok_hand:

Hey guys, Thanks for all the comments! Got caught up in a hackathon, but updating the portfolio now.

@mouchin777 thanks for the advice! Im using github pages, so after some googling, looks like all I needed to do was to “enforce https” on the github repo settings page. So now, it should be https and hopefully seen as secure!

@emygeek added an about page! as for centering the text, i ended up using the below code:

position: absolute;
left: 0px;
right: 0px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0 auto

Main Page

  • i added https auth so the serviceWorker error shouldn’t be an issue anymore (i dont see it in my own console.log)
  • i added padding to the header. And for mobile, I have the links collapse to a dropdown.
  • as for the white background, this is a styling preference haha.

Projects Page

  • changed projects heading to a darker grey
  • not sure what you mean about visual contrast between description and images?
  • since the site is pretty simple, visitors can just hit the PROJECTS link in the header to head back

Resume Page

  • i converted the jpeg into a pdf embed so clicks should be clickable
  • updated the resume to clean up the skills section and overall typography

In general, thanks for the detailed notes!

@Dadebayor thanks for the heads-up. added page scroll with top/down arrows

@cow i’ve been looking on/off for a few months. I was more focused on project building, but the few resumes I’ve sent out had no responses. I’m expecting more of the same — lots of emails sent out but not much response.