Portfolio Page - Few obstacles: Fontawesome; Hover-effect

Hey guys,

I would need some help here:

Here’s my portfolio page:

setting up my page I’m having some troubles with fontawesome:


  1. Here the Icons getting duplicated. I really don’t know why. They are still there 4 times without all css classes, with/without bootstrap and with different fontawesome versions.

  2. Somehow the H1 with “Also feel free…” and the form texts right from it at some point started to be blue and have a hover effect and turn dark blue and underlined. I really do not get it why does so.

  3. Also most of the icons from the official homepage won’t show up like the one in the first headbarbutton - also doesn’t work with different fontawesome versions:


  1. And I don’t know why I cant style my submit button at the end with any CSS classes?

Thank you guys in advance for your input!

Hey dear make sure that you close the tag you are using for your font-awesome class


and make sure you’re calling font-awseome via cdns

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Your i elements are missing a closing </i> tag.

[quote="hellonyle, post:1, topic:167374"] Somehow the H1 with “Also feel free…” and the form texts right from it at some point started to be blue and have a hover effect and turn dark blue and underlined. I really do not get it why does so. [/quote] You have several invalid syntax issues (extra closing div tags and missing closing div tags and misplaced closing anchor tags, etc...). I spent more time than I was willing to spend trying to find what is causing the issue. My guess is there is a missing `` somewhere, so the h3 is acting as a link. You should probably find an html syntax validator online. You should be able to copy and paste your html into it and then have it analyze your code and tell you all the syntax errors.
[quote="hellonyle, post:1, topic:167374"] Also most of the icons from the official homepage won’t show up like the one in the first headbarbutton - also doesn’t work with different fontawesome versions: [/quote] Not sure what issue you are describing here. The top buttons have closing `` tags so they look like you probably expect.
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