Problem accessing tutorial Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs

I encountered the problem when trying to access the " Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs" tutorial. Third-party cookies are enabled in my browser and everything worked fine until today.

When I press “Start the course” button, I see the empty page with a sad ‘emoji’ and a message " Сайт не позволяет установить соединение." which in Russian means “does not allow to establish the connection”.

After that I tried to close and reopen the browser, cleaned the cookies, still the page on freeCodeCamp did not work.

Then I went to codeally website and accessed the tutorial Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs from there and completed it. But when I later went to page for Relational Database (Beta) Certification my progress was not reflected there as if the tutorial has not been completed (even though it said " Congratulations on completing “Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs”!" in the end of the tutorial).

I was able to start the next tutorial on SQL without a problem - it seems only the mentioned tutorial has been affected.

Please advise what is the problem here and how can I solve it. Thanks in advance!

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Sorry for the troubles @gtrosh.ka. There was a slight outage for a little bit. It should all be working again. Let us know if you have any more issues.

Thanks so much, this worked for me.

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i finished , but i cant see it ticked? why

you have to read the troubleshooting steps inside the pinned post to try to fix that.
Y(ou just need to scroll up to the top of the relational database course page to find the pinned post there that has the troubleshooting in it.)