I encountered the problem when trying to access the " Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs" tutorial. Third-party cookies are enabled in my browser and everything worked fine until today.
When I press “Start the course” button, I see the empty page with a sad ‘emoji’ and a message " Сайт codeally.io не позволяет установить соединение." which in Russian means “does not allow to establish the connection”.
After that I tried to close and reopen the browser, cleaned the cookies, still the page on freeCodeCamp did not work.
Then I went to codeally website and accessed the tutorial Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs from there and completed it. But when I later went to page for Relational Database (Beta) Certification my progress was not reflected there as if the tutorial has not been completed (even though it said " Congratulations on completing “Learn Bash Scripting by Building Five Programs”!" in the end of the tutorial).
I was able to start the next tutorial on SQL without a problem - it seems only the mentioned tutorial has been affected.
Please advise what is the problem here and how can I solve it. Thanks in advance!