Hi. so im a high schooler whos learning full stack web to hopefully land a job asap.
but im not practicing alone because i don’t know where im going to get myself “Homework” to, like, actually enhance my HTML/CSS skills. Im sure someone else has a similiar problem. im currently in the CSS flexbox part of the responsive web design course for those who want to know. Are there any websites that Give out like decent projects for every part of the course so that i can practice alone and actually become better?
Abdulrahman Kawji
I have already answered all of your queries in detail in my earlier posts / replies, I would suggest to go through all of my replies and make notes.
To land job it will take min 6 - 12 months if you are sincerely working / studying atleast 8 hours daily.
All the very best.
if you want to have more practice, the new Certified Full Stack Developer Curriculum (you can find it below the 12 numbered certifications) has much more practice
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For practicing HTML/CSS, you might want to check out sites like Frontend Mentor and Codewell. They offer real-world projects that can really help you enhance your skills. Also, freeCodeCamp has lots of challenges and projects you can work on as you progress through the course.
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Alright. Thanks a lot!