Hey everyone,
As a newcomer to coding, I’m hoping to get some insight from successful self taught and/or experienced programmers.
-How long did it take you to become good enough to actually earn an income? Whether it be freelancing or working for a company/startup?
-Do you need to have a breadth a knowledge/learn other languages outside of HTML, CSS, and Javascript to get started making money? Or can you begin side hustles/freelancing with just these basics?
-From HTML, CSS, and JS, what learning paths did you take?
I invite you to follow Dorian’s story: He went as a self-taught developer from 0 to a 150k job in a few years.
He’s down to earth honest and also describes all the downsides and difficulties you will face on your journey as a self-taught dev. (As you can see in the channel tag . He’s selling himself short. )