Python for win7 64bit

Hello, fellow campers,

I started learning Python yesterday.
Now, I was about to install python on my computer.

When I click to start installing, it gave me a message like


I understand the message that Python needs at least win8 to install.

But i have only win7.

Do I need to update?
Is there any other way i can learn Python on win7?
I can’t learn Python on win7?

Hope someone can help me.

Thanks and Happy Coding!

Python 3.9 is first version that doesn’t support windows 7. Version 3.8 can be installed on it without issues.

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Thanks for the quick reply.
I will try and let you know.

hello @sanity!

As you said, i tried to install Ver 3.8.5 but i got the same error as i posted the image.

What to do?

you can use python on for example, or update your operative system

Thank you @ilenia.

you can also go to as written in the modal and find a version that can be installed on win 7

i already saw the website, and finding the ver