Questions on how to create a new MERN project? Next.js? Remix?

Hi guys,

I just recently finished a MERN project and I was curious on how I should create a new one. I created my first project using create react app and now the React docs recommend using Next.js or Remix. I’m looking into learning Next.js but I do have some questions.

How would I go about creating a full stack project? I think I read that in Next.js that you can use API Routes. Does that mean I don’t need express? Are there use cases where I would or wouldn’t?

API Routes | Learn Next.js

Can I change my MERN project to use Next.js? I ask this because since create react app is no longer recommended I’m worried that my project will stop working soon. Or should I follow a different approach?

I haven’t read anything on Remix so I guess my questions are kind of the same…?

Do you have a preference? Pros and Cons? When one might be more of a better fit than the other?


Next is a full-stack solution, so it would handle the ERN parts of MERN.

I just finished a MERN project for school using create react app and would like to continue improving it. Do you recommend that I rebuild it and continue working on it using Next.js? Or would it be fine to continue the project as is?

There’s really no right answer here. If you just want to hack away at your project right away then keep going on the current stack. If you want an excuse to learn Next then try to port your project over.

I wanted to update this post.

I think I will rebuild my project with Next.js and some extra features that the original didn’t have. Now, though I was wondering if I should learn typescript first and then learn Next.js so that I can build my project with Typescript. Or should I learn Next.js , then learn typescript, and then rebuild my project with typescript. Or should I just learn Next.js and rebuild my project while saving Typescript for another day?

I think I’m overthinking this but I’m going to ask anyway and see what others have done. Thanks!

One option might be to start it using the TS option but relax the rules (e.g. strict: false) and write it in JS without adding much typing. Then update the code to stricter TS as you learn about TS. Just so the project is set up correctly to use TS from the start.

Learning NextJS and Typescript at the same time might get a little overwhelming but it is an option as well.

Thanks for your comment! I will keep it in mind and yes, I think learning both at the same time would be overwhelming for me. I do want to take my time since I’m new to both

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