Rate my Portfolio Please

I am applying for my first software development job and wanted to know if it was a good idea to include this portfolio site I made for myself. I am applying to all developer positions that I come across in the Dalls, TX area but I prefer something backend if possible. I am aware my design skills are probably iffy at best.

Anyways, here is the domain:

If its not ready, let me know what should be improved so it is ready. I am constantly working on more side projects to add so I am aware of the scarcity for this section.

Thanks to all.


One idea is to change the background of your resume preview, as it can be difficult to read with the effect. To make the site more readable, use the same background color as the site without the effects. :grinning:

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honestly i dont like those bubbles

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These jobs aren’t relevant and I wouldn’t list them on the portfolio. I’m not sure I would even list them on your cv. If you decide to, you don’t need bullet points to go into further detail about them.

Your education is highly relevant, so focus on that. Add more detail here rather than for non-relevant jobs.

Your summary of yourself is good.

Sans-serif fonts generally look better on the web. Serif fonts makes the design look outdated.

In terms of projects, one link is broken and the other (domain designers) looks like a standard website. Could you make something a bit more interesting that would grab the attention of prospective employers?

Something you’re passionate about? Have developed over an extended period, ie months? An application that solves a problem and has various features, and is your own idea/design and isn’t ripped from a tutorial. (I’m not saying your projects come from tutorials, but a lot of people put tutorial-based projects on their portfolio and it’s really obvious)

Generally you’re on the right track, just keep moving forwards.

Thanks for the feedback and I agree, Ive been meaning to reformat my cv and go into less detail about my lack of relevant employment.

Will change fonts around to sans-serif.

As for the broken link, i guess i forgot to make the github repo public. Even though i swear i did…

Thanks for the review.

Hello Alex,

I would like to echo the last post in that you should put your education front and center. The combination of CS and AI will open doors. It’s currently one of your most valuable assets imho.

Best of luck

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