Hello all I have already received a full stack diploma from a college. It was an accelerated programme and it was a lot to take in. I graduated a month ago and I haven’t coded since. I guess my brain needed the break. I’m eager to go through the course work here to keep my skills up and maybe learn a few new ones.
One question though, has anyone had issues using VSCode here?
FCC doesn’t care what editor you use on your own computer. Not quite sure what issues you think you might have using VSCode? Can you elaborate a little more on what you are asking?
Gotcha. Ya, for the individual challenges you just type or copy/paste the code into the FCC editor. For the projects you’ll do them on your own and then submit links to your finished product.
Do note that you’ll need to submit a live link to a publicly hosted version of your project, though - so if you are writing your code locally in VSCode you’ll need to host it somewhere (GitHub Pages is a great free option, or you can copy your code into a CodePen).