I’m having problems with getting a job at Upwork. Please, have a look at my profile and say what would you do to improve it.
I mean, I get the picture. This is not a good profile. It is far from good even. Although, I don’t really see where should I go from where I am now. Should I build some high-quality portfolio items? Or work for free to get some testimonials(though it is restricted by Upwork)?
When I write to a client, I try to keep my message short. I send my portfolio items, approximate technologies I would use, an estimated time that this particular job would take and specify that the price is negotiable. I tried offering the lowest price, the exact price that the client claimed to be his budget, reasonable(in my opinion) price below his budget, but I keep being rejected.
Obviously, I’m doing something wrong. The question: what is it?
Here is my profile:
Here are my portfolio items:
- https://kulaska.github.io/FCC%20Cert.pdf FCC JS certificate
- https://kulaska.github.io/php_documentation PHP documentation page
- https://kulaska.github.io/landing%20page/ Fictious landing page
- https://codepen.io/kulaska/full/gQjPaa Alber Einstein tribute page
https://kulaska.github.io/Bouncing%20balls/ JS bouncing balls game(made by MDN guide)