RWD projects: just pass the tests or complete the design?


I’m studying for the Responsive web design certification, I was wondering about the projects: do I have to style them as in the examples or I just need to pass the tests? I mean, my portfolio is private and I’m building my own on GitHub, I just need to check if I’ve got anything I need to move on. If it’s needed for the certification I’ll provide simple styling, no problem.

if you want to show off the projects in the future, spend time making them your own.

I’m not interested at the moment, I just don’t want to seem like I’m skipping some steps. I thought other projects to show in my CV (btw, I already did one of them as portfolio project).

what you do here is between you and you. So whatever makes your learning journey worth it to you, do.

To be honest, getting the certificate to check a box isn’t very useful. The certificates are as useful as the quality of the projects you submit, so if you submit poor quality projects…

You’re right, what I’m trying to say is that I already have a good knowledge on these topics, my goal is to achieve the full stack certification. Unfortunately I have very little extra time to dedicate to it, I already built responsive web sites (check out I just want to optimize the time, that’s all.

btw, i think people can see your projects if you share your certificate with them…

My only point is that if you get the full stack certification with low quality projects, the only thing that you are communicating is that you can create low quality projects.

Okay, I’ll finish them as soon as I can. Thanks to all for your points of view.

Absolutely, my matter is just a time issue. At this point, I rather take months but with nice projects, instead of fast forward them.

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