Should I ? how about the colors?

At the Personal Portfolio website is it recommended to make it responsive as the one they gave as an example?
and I would appreciate ur comments on my project please :smiley::grin:

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Gotta love a nice clean layout :slight_smile: well done!

My first advice would be to include your contact information as text as well (like your email address and such), not just a contact form alone. While pretty necessary to have in most cases, having only a contact form can be a barrier for some people who might have other contact method preferences like internal email tracking requirements or other things like that. Id hate for you to miss an opportunity for not having the right info available!

Secondly, stylistically, consider changing your top navigation to change the font color of the tabs on hover instead of the background color or something like that. Square button top navigation can look a bit dated, in my opinion at least, and it would further the clean and minimalist look you’ve got going which is actually incredibly popular especially for Word-Press designers. Your design reminds me a lot of some great Word-Press templates, so it might be a good idea to look at those for more inspiration.

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Thank you SOOO much for your opinion, I really appreciate this :smiley:
and I’ll work on your notes right away! :smile:

Just checked out the updated page, and it looks awesome. WTG!

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This made my day, your careful and nice thoughtful comments! thank you very much :blush: :cherry_blossom::tulip: