So I was doing fairly well on freeCodeCamp and then life happened. I was wondering whether I should do a reboot as it were and start from the beginning of the lessons or whether to continue where I had left off even though I might have lost the momentum.
Any thoughts about to begin fresh or keep on keeping on?
If you aren’t feeling totally lost when looking at the next challenge then perhaps just keep going. When you get stuck on some part of a project you can always revisit old sections. But of course, the person best-positioned to make that call is you
I am in the same boat as you. Personally, I have decided to restart from the beginning and quickly make my way down to my last exercise and resume from there. This way the old concepts will be brushed up.
I think both options are fine. I’ve been through the content several times as a refresher and a bit of repetition never hurts. Bit if you feel confident to continue where you left off then go for it and revisit older lessons as you may need. I don’t see why you couldn’t even do both simultaneously.
I was also doing fairly well here, and life happened too. i need tips on how to start learning all over because attempts to continue from where i stopped, proved abortive. thanks
That’s a pretty awesome video! I knew about a few of those techniques but some are new to me. Dancing every 30 minutes? Not quite sold on that one, but might give it a try haha.
I got onto the JavaScript modules over a year ago, and then didn’t do much coding other than some HTML/CSS.
I went back to the JavaScript modules recently and tried to work through the Basic Algorithm Scripting challenges. Nope. I went back to the beginning of the JavaScript section.