Guys, I’ve only started a couple of weeks ago and am now trying to build my first tribute page. For some reason my image isn’t showing up. I’ve been stuck here for 2 days. Can anybody tell what I’m doing wrong please?
Could you recheck the link to your project. It is not working.
Thanks. Apparently I’m not allowed to publish my link until I’ve used the forum more. I’ll try to send you the bit of coding I’ve done?
But it doesn’t show. Argh. Sorry and thanks for your reply anyway
You got the link wrong, try using the following link instead
Thank you so so much. That worked. I did try using different photo links but none I used worked. So is there anything I need to keep in mind when using/ copying images to use?
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when you want to use an image in your img tag, the src should point to the image, not a page that has the image. Next time you can right click on the image and select “copy image address”
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