Spacing and some other stuff


Back again,

After 2 days of tons of trials and errors, I allmost got my feedback form ready.

Couple question.

  1. When open the preview on freecodecamp everything is nice and centered but when I copy the code to codepen there is more spacing on the left than the right, and also the select input is smaller as the other inputs.

  2. how can I make it required the fill in Specify Specialty Course when they choose specialty course from the select menu

  3. How can I get some more spacing below the submit button… tried what I know but just cant figure it out.

any general advice, comments and/or feedback about the coding is also very welcome.

you would need to use JavaScript for more complex validation, this is something you will want to return back to when you have completed the JavaScript certification

padding? what have you tried?

I don’t see more space to the left than the right, what do you mean?

So I want to have some more blue below the submit button but when I add padding to

input[type=“submit”] it just makes the submit button bigger instead of moving it up a little. Same when I make .input3 padding bottom…

if I open the code in codepen you can see there is more blue on the left side than right side of the input boxes and also the select box is smaller than the other boxes…

when open the code on freecodecamp everything is perfect…

sorry not a native english speaker so I dont really know how to describe it properly.

sorry, use margin, or add padding-bottom to the form. padding is internal to the element, margin is external

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Perfect, thank you,

Ilenia can you tell if there is further down the line in the course we learn more in depth how to make the html fit on any size of screen ?

because when i check my website on different size of screen everything is very off. or do we just need to figure it out ourselfs ?

you will learn more yes, but also the curriculum doesn’t cover anything, so once you finish the Responsive Wev Design certification you can continue expanding your knowledge if you want