Starting my portfolio page?

So, I'm starting my portfolio page but I have no idea to start with should I take a look at other people pages or think of one myself

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Here are some great examples of personal portfolios.

It’s a good idea to browse them too look for inspiration, but don’t try to copy their code. It’s ok to look at the code if you want to know how to do something, but don’t worry about the code to much. In the end, the personal portfolio will express you and your creativity, but you may need some inspiration or ideas to get your juices going.

Here’s how my portfolio turned out:


I was in your shoes about 4 days ago. I believe FCC’s goal for the project is to really throw you in without a paddle so you can start to think like a programmer. Programming is more about a mindset and solving problems then just learning syntax.

What I did was look at a few different portfolio pages then just went for it. Drew out a little sketch and got to work coding it. I ran into problem after problem, needed to take a step back read through everything and search for solutions. You will get to a point you are super frustrated but it makes it that much better when you figure out the answers. I am now putting the finishing touches on my first version of the portfolio, you can see it here if you’d like.

Because of the jumping right into things approach I can already problem solve and do things in minutes that initially took hours to figure out. I think the program wants that to happen on purpose because I learned so much more doing that rather then just reading back through the map courses and just adjusting code to make it work for me.

I hope that was useful, feel free to reach out if you have any questions and good luck!


hey, what grade are you in? I’m a freshman rn and I’m looking to complete this at the very latest by the end of the sophomore year. I started 24 hours ago and finished up to the portfolio (I’ve only had about 7 hours of actual coding). Being that it said it would take 62 hours and 20 minutes, a 9x faster speed means that I have a good chance in finishing this in 300 hours, not 2000 hours :wink: lol

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I recommend doing your portfolio last. You’ll learn so much over the the FCC course that you’re bound to go back to your portfolio to improve on it, if not completely rebuild it.


Thanks man :

what do you think about following the exempels in . I think that should be helpful .

yeah. but if you do your portfolio you have more experience to make more thing to put in your portfolio, and the end result is better. If I was to finish this codecamp, i’d certainly use the website as a portfolio, which shows you have practical skills.

But the opposite is also true. The experience you gain making other projects will help you turn your portfolio into something unique. The basic portfolio can be broken down to just positioning and links. It doesn’t even require JavaScript.

However, by completing the other projects and exercises, you learn how to make a website interactive, you learn fancier CSS, you learn how to use plugins, you might even learn animation. The sky is the limit by the time you finish the Front-End course. If you build your portfolio during this time, you have a much more open view of what a portfolio can be instead of just a page with different sections that you can scroll through.

Not that there’s something inherently wrong with those types of portfolios, but if you find yourself imagining a different type of website that’s more reflective of your personality, you’ll be able to do just that.

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In response to your question I used w3 and bootstrap sites to fully understand the css behind everything when I used it. What I wouldn’t do is just copy the code down without understanding how it all works. Also to respond to other posts I think the whole point is to make the portfolio now and to come back after you learn more and continue to update the portfolio page with new things you learn. This gives you experience in coming back to edit code which I feel like would be a large part of actually working professionally as a programmer and helps you see progress in your education.

I am also a freshman. I am up to the Twitch API, and I haven’t been working on the course for more than a few weeks. It definitely won’t take you 2000 hours of coding. I think they purposely add a bunch of extra time to the estimates to account for slower people. If you keep working hard at it, you should definitely be able to finish by the end of your sophomore year. (hopefully I do too lol)

I really like how you included a contact form on yours, nice!

I found here the real definition and mindset of genuine Programmer/Web Developer/Software Engineer.Thanks Nathan @nstaab1

The portfolio page is something of a rite of passage for campers. It’s a huge spike in difficulty early on in the course, but it’s there for good reason.

I’d strongly advise not skipping it. It doesn’t matter how it turns out- I’ve redone my portfolio so many times now I’d struggle to put a number on it. Each time you complete a few challenges on FCC, you’ll learn something new that could be applied to your portfolio.

The portfolio has been a sort of an anchor for my whole learning experience, something that’s always evolving and constantly returned to. Getting that first iteration up and running is a huge morale boost, and will definitely give you some context for all the projects that follow!

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I just tried it.