Support of ChatGPT on Projects

Is it ok use ChatGPT to assist in some of the projects or does that violate the Academic Honesty Policy?

You should not use ChatGPT to write code for you on projects.

Really, FCC is about learning how to code

AI already (somewhat) knows how to, and you’re not learning anything.

Plus, if you read this section of the Policy:

"Aside from using open source libraries such as jQuery and Bootstrap, and short snippets of code which are clearly attributed to their original author, 100% of the code in my projects was written by me, or along with another camper with whom I was pair programming in real time.
“I pledge that I did not plagiarize any of my freeCodeCamp work. I understand that freeCodeCamp’s team will audit my projects to confirm this.”

It should be clear that, while not clearly stated, AI is in theory, forbidden, as it’s plagarism

If you need help, you can always ask here on the forum and we’ll be happy to help.