Survey Form checkbox: id vs value

Previously, I’ve learned to create checkbox with for and id in Basic HTML and HTML5: Create a Set of Checkboxes.

Now, I’m doing Responsive Web Design Projects - Build a Survey Form. I saw User Story #14, it says

each of which must have a value attribute.

So now I have noticed there are 2 ways to create checkbox.

Solution 1: create checkbox with for and id.

<label for="loving">

Solution 2: create checkbox with value.


Question: What is the difference between “Solution 1” and “Solution 2”? Do they work the same?

You can omit the for attribute if the input is nested in a label element.

If the input is not nested, it’s better to use the for attribute:

<input type="checkbox" value="loving" id="loving">
<label for="loving">Loving</label>

The value attribute is not the same as the id. The value contains the data that will be used when the form is submitted. For example, when making a post in this forum, the text that you type on the textarea will be its value. For checkboxes, their value will be included in the submitted data if they are marked as checked.

On the other hand the id is just a unique identifier for that element, mostly used when referring to an element in HTML (like in a label’s for attribute), or in JavaScript (like when using document.getElementById()).

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Basic HTML and HTML5: Use the value attribute with Radio Buttons and Checkboxes